Samaikya Telugu Vedika

తెలుగు సాంస్కృతిక సంఘం, స్టుట్గార్ట్ ప్రాంతం


Samaikya Telugu Vedika e.V invites for Bathukamma & Dasara  2024 celebrations,  with delicious food and live dances/Dandia

Entry only with pre booked tickets . Scroll down to book your tickets latest by  04.10.2024  !!

ముఖ్య గమనికలు: 

1. Event Entry is free for Registered STV e.V Members only. 

2. All attendees should not be more than 350 (excluding the 3yr below kids) as per the occupancy rules received by the Event Hall executives.

Non-members should become a STV-Member to attend the Event before registering for the event. Here is the membership registration link:

First come First Serve.

Please adhere to the rules, and cooperate with the Event Organizers for hassle-free execution. Please refer to the FAQs before reaching for support. Your questions might have already been answered there.


  • I agree to display the Bathukamma & Dasara event digital tickets (automatically sent after event registration) to the volunteers at the event check-in
  • If your ticket is confirmed and you are unable to attend the event, please cancel your registration before 04.10.2024 (latest) 20 Hrs by writing to Otherwise you need to pay penalty of 10 Euro per confirmed ticket.

For any further questions, please check the FAQs on this page.

Please reach us at or Bathukamma & Dasara Org Team WhatsApp Contacts (Raja Chilakala, Srinivas Vallamkonda & Kiran Endrakanti) for any additional questions related to the event, like late cancellation fees, accompanied parents or family visitors, Group tickets, Event performances like Dance or Singing, any (non-IT), etc

Raja Chilakala

Srinivas Vallamkonda

Kiran Endrakanti

For Event registration issues or Ticketing or Access, Please reach IT Support by Email 

Frequently Asked Questions


We ask the consent for every event, as it is event specific and need to have their consent recorded.

I did not receive my website login account information? How can I get the support?

If you are already a registered Members of STV e.V IT Team has sent you the Website Login information a month ago. If the email is not received or missed, Please send an Email to or just chat with us from our chatbot on this page.

Can I share my Event Ticket with other members as I can not attend due to personal reasons?

Not possible. STV e.V Member should register to the event from our website. After registration an confirmation with Tickets printed by attendees names are emailed and can not be shared with others.

Suggestion: If you can not make it for the event, please inform to cancel your tickets. This way you will help others to book reservation tickets from our Website.

Can I show the Event Tickets on Mobile during Event check-in gate?

Yes, as this event registration process and Check-in, is complete digital. Event Pass, Vaccine Certificates, Event Check-in by Luca App all are done by your smart Mobile.

I'm not an STV registered Member. Can I still participate in your Celebrations?

This event is only for the STV e.V registered Members.

If you want to join our associations, please visit our Member Benefits and become a Member Today!!

If you are an immediate relative of the registered member family, and visiting Germany on vacation, please reach us at

I didn't receive the Event Tickets by email. Who can help?

Please reach STV e.V IT Team for further assistance.

Nagesh Yellapu & Jagadish Bomma

WhatsApp: +4915145344293 /+49 1795409776

I get an error while login from the event page. Probably page was cached. please try again.

This is a known issue. Please clear your browser cache (on Laptop) by clicking Ctrl+Shift+Del and clear the Cache and Cookies and try again or choose another browser.

On Mobiles, please close the browser app from the memory and relaunch the browser app and try.

Please reach STV e.V IT Team for further assistance.

Nagesh Yellapu & Jagadish Bomma

WhatsApp: +49 1795409776 / +49 15145344293

I see the Tickets are Sold out and I'm in waiting list. What next?

Great job. We will send the broadcast message to your emails, after we get any cancellations or any decision change on the increase of event Tickets as per the rules.

After the communication, you can login to the website and book the tickets as usually abiding the Guidelines and Event Categorization rules


I've my Parents in Germany came to Visit us for holidays. They are vaccinated. Can we also bring along with us to the Event?

We are happy to inform you that you can also bring your parents to the event.

You can now also provide your family visitors from India(blood relatives) details as attendees while grabbing the event tickets.

For any more details and questions, reach or Event ORG Team WhatsApp contacts mentioned in this Events Page or Poster

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