Telugu-Badi 2023
Dear Parents,
We have successfully completed 3 years of Telugu Badi with 4 batches and 60+ kids up to now. We are glad to announce the admissions for Telugu Badi for the Year 2023 with minimum kid age of 5 Years (completed), no other requirements.
There is no tuition fee but STV Telugu Badi program is in association with Paatasala and charges for the learning material we get from Paatasala, 50,00 EUR per year per student.
There will be caution of 30,00 Eur per kid and will be fully refunded , provided 80% of attendance, like we have done it in the year of 2020.
Please fill up the form by 30th January 2023 so that we can order the printed material soon.
In case of questions, please contact STV Telugu Badi team!