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Can we have a first vaccine jab in India and a second vaccine jab in Germany?

Forums Life in Germany Sukhibhava Can we have a first vaccine jab in India and a second vaccine jab in Germany?


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  • #4772
    Sridhar KandibandaSridhar Kandibanda

    Hi STV Readers,
    Let’s say Anybody is on holiday in India and coming back to Germany, took a vaccine first Jab before boarding the flight, and seeking(or opted) a second vaccine jab here in Germany?

    STV Adminstvadmin

    Hi Sridhar,
    Yes, it should be possible to have a second Covid-19 vaccine jab in Germany if anybody has already got the first jab outside Germany.

    The below conditions apply:
    The Covid-19 Vaccine should be approved in European Union. For example, AstraZeneca, BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are the only approved vaccines in Germany till now. So if somebody had any one of the above four mentioned vaccines outside Germany, Then they can definitely have a second vaccine jab here in Germany.
    Of course, The first vaccine Bescheinigung(Vaccine Certificate proof) should be displayed/submitted to the Vaccine center in Germany during the second vaccine.

    For more details or appointment bookings, You can also reach out to the 116117 service number in Germany.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by STV Adminstvadmin.
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